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发布日期:2017-12-14访问次数: 字号:[ ]





联系人:朱张兵  电话:13552417796


Seminar:       Status and Future of Global Internet

Speaker:      Dr. Liyan Zhang

Director of Network Technology, with a World Top-3 ISP

VP, Washington Network Society (CAST-DC), Washington, DC USA

Email liyan8zhang@gmail.com; WeChat ID: liyan8zhang

讲座题目: 全球因特网的现状及未来展望

主讲人:       美国科珍通讯公司 网络技术主任 张立言博士


Abstract: Modern Internet has fundamentally changed the global society, business and people’s life, and is here to stay and rein. Therefore, the Internet has made the entire world into a Global Village. Have you ever wondered what happened to the numerous messages that you sent using your smart phones? What happened to them over the network (Internet) and how did they get to the other end? What is the status of global internet as an infrastructure, and where it is going? Please come to listen to the hands-on story from a one-time scientist or engineer just like you, not a trained computer scientist. In addition, he is going to touch upon the status of quantum communication, terrestrial as well as satellite and ground networking.


简介:当代因特网已经根本性地改变了全球国际社会,国际商务和人民生活,并将永存并成为我们生活不可或缺的一部分。因为因特网, 世界正在变为地球。你是否想过每天你用智能手机送出的各种信息都是如何到达你朋友那边的?全球因特网的现状如何,及未来如何发展?那就敬请来听一个和曾经和你一样的理工男女,而不是专业计算机科学家的第一线故事。讲坐内容全面翔实,观点独特新颖。另外主讲人也会简单地讨论量子通迅,地面量子广域网和星地广域网。


Speaker bio: Dr. Liyan Zhang is currently the Director of Network Technology with a World Top-3 ISP, where he is responsible for technology evaluation, network architecture, planning, engineering as well as operation. At his spare time, he is a Vice President of Washington Network Society (CAST-DC), who runs the “Grand Master and Celebrity” seminars with past professor speakers from MIT/Princeton/JHU/CMU etc. Dr. Zhang has over 30 years of academic and industrial R&D experiences, including as student and faculty at the University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei), and as Member of Technical Staff with the Bell Labs (Holmdel and Crawford Hill), Lucent Technologies at Jew Jersey, USA. He has over 20 years of experiences on fiber optical communications, systems and most recently internet networking. He now works for a world top 3 ISP who carries about 1/5 to 1/7 of global internet traffic, an astounding volume of various kinds of data. Dr. Zhang attended USTC (Hefei) in 1979 at age 15 as the number one in physics from his home province in China and upon graduation, joined the Modern Physics faculty with USTC (Hefei), subsequently went abroad for about 30 years. He is a well-rounded high-tech, communications and internet professional.

主讲人简历:张立言博士现任美国科珍通讯公司(全球前三大网络之一)的 网络技术部主任,负责因特网技术评估、引进、实施和运营。业余兼任大华府科技和网络协会副会長,负责组织大华府地区"名师名人高科技讲座,已经成功地举办了八人次院士教授级高级讲座。他拥有近三十年高科技研究和开发经验,其中有二十年通讯和因特网工作经验,九十年代于美国新泽西州郎迅贝尔实验室(Lucent Bell Labs)任高级研究员,专攻光纤通迅模快和系统、网络。于最近十二年在美国科珍通讯公司内部规划、建设并营运世界最大网络之一,负载全球近五分之一因特网流量。张博士于1979年以省级物理状员身份考入中国科学技术大学(USTC)并毕业留校任教近代物理,之后岀国留学工作近30年,是一个全方位高科技, 通讯和网络技术专家





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